Saturday, April 12, 2014

The cure

With the beautiful transitional weather we have been having ( thank God it has been in the + degC),well sadly with the beautiful but fluctuating temps comes the sniffles. I thought I was immune to it( just kidding) but it finally got me.

I am up typing this blog as I had a hard time sleeping with my congested sinuses. Then I decided to try a good old tried remedy, the cure so to speak.

I learnt of this remedy from a nurse friend ( my friend who is a nurse) and it actually sounds like something my grandma who prescribe to. One thing I do know from experience is that it works and it is natural.

To start you will need some limes, lemons would work but limes are better, some ginger and honey. Slice the three to four limes in half ( you can use less if your limes are bigger), chop up some ginger, not too much. Place all of these in a small pot or sauce pan, add some water and bring to a boil. Drain liquid into a mug and add some honey to taste. You will need the honey because this stuff is potent and the honey is what would help you drink it up.

Drink it warm with your eyes squeezed shut, at least that is how I drink it.

Cheers, here to getting well, soon.

-Honey B.

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